Synology Photos and Photoshop Elements the battles
A post to record my experiences of the two in trying to manage the extensive Appleyard photo collections. Inevitably a bit of a rant but hopefully a record of what I have learnt along the way. So first a table with a list of things worth noting – and remembering:
***Table to be constructed in Excel and imported***
Experience has taught me that editing table content in TablePress is no fun. Meanwhile todays (28th June 2022) thoughts. Decided that I should really complete the web pages and related pages concerning John Johnson’s time in Nigeria. For that I wanted to add images of the other two stools. I had already created background-free images for the Nupe stool etc. But could I find the original images and Photoshop project files (psd)? Much time wasted looking for missing photos taken on the HTC1. Some time later I found them.
The answer was that I had recently moved these from the ‘shared’ photo directory (drive A) to the personal photo directory on drive B. This was done so that the HTC phone photos had GPS data that meant the photos showed up on Sedbergh and London locations. Given the GPS data was not relevant to the photos I moved them for clarity – or so I thought. Anyway all PSD files found in PhotoLibrary/2021/11 directory. Phew!
September 2022 rant
Today’s rant – 19th September 2022 – funeral going on in the background (how disrespectful). Finally got the Oberammergau holiday photos from September 1964 organised. All but one now have a GPS tag – although the guest house location (3 photos) are not accurately located. Three 120 roll films (negative location N1 R2 and R5) yielded 31 photos with complete negative order. Photos tagged ‘Sep 1964’. My rant is that adjusting the date in the organiser and saving details to file makes no difference to the date attributes on the file. I am sure I have logged this somewhere else. Just a thought – perhaps it is because the date is set to unknown day (and time) that means it isn’t stored in the file. Just a thought……
19th November 2022
Some thoughts about progress filing Basil’s boxes of photos.
Two issues needed addressing – the first required a new supply of (3 by 3) archive photo pockets (from and the second was “uncurling” the photos. An order for 25 sheets (each holding 18 photos) seemed excessive – but 20 are already in use. The uncurling was achieved by leaving photos in a humid container – basically a sealed storage box with room temperature water and a set of 12 photos raised above the water (on a metal grille). I dried the photos between kitchen paper and weighed them down with the OED.
11th July 2023: An update to this rant. I see there is still a “missing” table referred to in the first paragraph and the post remains in draft format. Clearly some unfinished work in progress. This seems to be a common a problem with all my current projects – I start something and am unable to perfect it and it remains unfinished. So, time for a new approach. The plan is to record each day (some hope) the random paths that have occupied my thoughts throughout the day. The intention being to provide image related background by way of interest and for providing the basis of more rounded webpages to follow.
July 2023 update
So to start a bit of background to where we are as of 11th July. A list might help:
- Adding GPS data to Stanley Appleyard photos – primarily Album 05
- Identifying family images at Austhorpe Hall (diversion 1)
- Re-evaluating scanned family tree with reference to (diversion 2)
- Connecting Brian Appleyard to WikiTree (diversion 3)
- What are the locations of the boating images in Album 05? (diversion 4)
- Sorting out SEO stuff for this page (diversion 5)
- Fixing nagging message about out of date PHP version on this site (diversion 6)
Update as of 18th July 2023
Finally got back to updating this page after a week spent getting to the bottom of how the PHP version was set (diversion 5). Following paragraph records the route to the solution – purely for my future reference.
Mostly wasted time messing around with debug settings in wp-config files. Good to remind myself of all that stuff. At some point I investigated the Synology Web Station package and eventually “uncovered” the sidebar hidden to the left of the Status page. This caught me out before. Is it just my settings? Anyway the “Script Language Settings” provided the solution. I updated the selected PHP version for the customised profile to be 7.4 and the annoying warning message in my other WordPress site has gone. At some point I will need to create an 8.0 profile. But that is for later.