Stanley Appleyard Album 06

Contains description of contents of Album 06 by page number.

Album appears to be  dated from 1923 and is made up of 74 card pages with a fine grid pattern.  34 of the pages are blank, the remaining pages have between 1 and  16 images per page. The low numbered odd pages are  annotated, in white, mainly “Bognor – Sept 1923”.  Following pages (even and odd) are marked “On Harrow Weald Common – Easter Monday 1924”. Later pages feature Harrow Lawn Tennis Club. 

Page definition (source Album-Pages-06)

PageTypeDescriptionimage count
1Locations4 attractive images of port and lighthouse at entrance. But where is it?4
3Bathers6 shots of bathers at Bognor September 1923 - images include Nana A and Jean6
4Various3 group images on balcony where?, 3 beach shots, 1 of Stanley etc, Jean and Basil, 1 unknown9
5Beach6 family shots outside beach hut at Bognor Sept 19236
6Family7 shots of children (including 3 of Jean) single occasion, two show Stanley with hat, 8th image is of a younger Stanley with person unknown8
7LocationsBognor September 1923. Royal Norfolk Hotel, Rock Gardens Hotel, 2 of front and 2 of pier6
8Child2 shots of Basil in play pen --see pages 10 and 122
9Beach3 of family in front of beach huts Bognor, 3 of bathing at Bournemouth6
10ChildJean and Basil in front of fancy door --see pages 8 and 122
11LocationsBognor September 1923. Donkey/Horse riding. One of unknown street in Bognor6
12Family2 of Jean and Basil with Nana A/Stanley, Image of Basil inf front of fancy door as page 103
13BeachBathers and Beachhuts at Bognor and Bournemouth September 19236
14HLTCGroup shot of Headstone Lawn Tennis Club 23rd August 1931, includes Stanley Nana A and Jean1
15USA3 shots labelled "taken in USA". Marion Appleyard connection from 1921, 1924 or 1931. Unknown woman in front of university(?) building3
17variousSledging in USA; 2 of Hove Whit Tuesday 1923; Bognor September 19234
19variousNurse Marion(?) in USA shot date as above, 2 from Bognor sports September 1923, 1 beach shot , 5 passport size images.9
21JeanJean , 3rd birthday 2 November 19233
23Nana A3 portraits of Nana A in various stances3
25BadmintonCrescent Badminton Club group shot including Nana A and Madelaianr Jackson 26 December 19232
26Jean and BasilJean and Basil with trike 20th June 19261
27Harrow WealdFamily groups of 5, 3, 7 and 13 on Harrow Weald Common Easter Monday 1924. Shots includeStanley, Jean, Basil, Kathleen, Mary and Nana A4
28Harrow Weald4 group photos plus central image of Basil on Harrow Weald Common Easter Monday 19245
29Harrow Weald4 group photos plus central image of Basil on Harrow Weald Common Easter Monday 19245
30Harrow WealdKathleen Appleyard up a tree tagged "That Holday Feeling" on Harrow Weald Common Easter Monday 19241
31Portraits11 assorted small portrait images of various ages including 2 of Stanley11
32Various2 images of Basil on beach, one group beach shot and seaprate image of two men in a wood4
33Locations3 of Coastal castle on clifftop, one of beach scen with "office for sea bathing". Locations unknown4
34Jean and BasilJean and Basil in unknown garden 20th June 19261
35Jean and BasilJean and Basil in unknown garden 20th June 19261
36Jean and DogJean and Dog on chair in unknown garden 20th June 19261
37Nana A and DogNana A feeding dog in unknown garden 20th June 1926 - date assumed1
38DogDog on chair (see page 36) in unknown garden 20th June 1926 - date assumed1
39HLTCHLTC members and club house. Date unknown 1927? Jean and Basil front row (see page 43)1
41HLTCHLTC members and club house. As previous1
43HLTC4 posing arm-in-arm to side of club house; smaller group in fron to club house - Jean second from right talking to obscured girl behind.2
45HLTC4 group photos outside club house4
47HLTC3 of Nora(?), one portrait one in action and one in conversation with anon in deck chairs3
49Jean and BasilOval portraits of Jean Basil and Jean3
57Portraits4 of Stanley, 4 of a nurse (Marion?), 3 of Stanley and ano (Frank?), 3 of other women, later group with Stanley, and a really early group of 3 children16
60CartoonsBlurry image of saucy postcards1

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