Beeley Wood Footbridge

Stanley Appleyard’s annotated photo of Beeley Wood footbridge. Page follows initial investigation of the image location followed by research into the name of the bridge.

Beeley Wood Footbridge Stanley Appleyard photo tagged "Span Bridge" dated 1908
Stanley Appleyard photo 1908. Image tagged “S.A. 08”

This image

Image scanned from one of Stanley Appleyard’s albums. Image is very similar to image immediately below. The image is dated 1908 and tagged “Span Bridge – Beeley Wood” but I can find no other references to “Span Bridge” in connection with Beeley Wood. However, the names that appear in other sources include “Killicrankies” and (incorrectly) “Rocher”. Images of the “Span Bridge” follow, together with image sources, links and attributions.

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Other images

All other images link to original web source page. Pages open in a new window when image clicked. Other relevant links appear at the end of the post.

Picture Sheffield images

Three images of the same footbridge, each image links to the original page on Sheffield Pictures:

Middlewood Footbridge, Beeley Wood. ID=S00407
Bridge from the road ID=S07568
Beeley Wood Works and Middlewood Footbridge ID=S10476

Wikimedia – ‘Rocher’ bridge

Bridge from the works end

Geograph – Grid reference SK3192 – ‘Rocher’ bridge

The image link includes an explanation for the incorrect ‘Rocher’ naming together with several related images and location map for the square.

Bridge towards the works.

Twitter – Beeley Wood

Another view – Twitter page has details of Beeley Wood



  • Davey, S. R., Crossin’ O’er