Stanley Appleyard Album 22

Contains description of contents of Album 22 by page number.

Album mainly of later family photos from the 1940s. In addition there are several earlier photos of Jean and Basil.

Key photos groups are:

  • launching of Queen Elizabeth 1938
  • Basil early RAF photos
  • Stanley family (6)

Page definition (source Album-Pages-22)

PageTypeDescriptionimage count
1EventQueen Elizabeth launching the Queen Elizabeth 27 Sep 19381
2EventQueen Elizabeth1
3FamilyPeter christening1
4Eric Wild15th February 20361
5WeddingJean and Eric 25 July 19421
7WeddingJean and Eric 25 July 19421
9BasilIn uniform1
11BasilIn uniform1
13Wedding Dated 23rd May 1942 St John's church Kenton1
15Wedding Dated 23rd May 1942 Bride and father in law1
17PortraitReverend H, Wolfersten Beck Vicar of St. John'd Harrow1
19Wedding Jean and Eric at 76 Harrow View with guests 25 July 19421
21RAFC Flight, 1 Squadron Torquay October 1942. Basil1
23Wedding Jean and Eric with brides maids and best man1
25FamilyPeter christening with family 12 June 19431
27FamilyPeter christening close up 12 June 19431
29FamilyStanley, Doris, Jean Basil and Beryl1
31FamilyStanley, Doris, Jean Basil and Beryl1
33FamilyStanley, Doris, Jean Basil and Beryl1
35FamilyStanley, Doris, Jean Basil and Beryl1
37FamilyStanley, Doris, Jean Basil and Beryl1
39WeddingDated 23rd May 1942 larger group including Marion Appleyard1
43PortraitBasil and Jean1
45FamilyJean on the beach. Jean with Basil2
47GardenJean, Basil and anon1
49StanleyThe picture1

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