Appleyard Sheffield Connection

The Appleyard Sheffield connection began sometime between 1891 and 1901. In 1891 Arthur Appleyard and his family were living at Austhorpe Hall but the 1901 census  records them  living at 16 Manvers Road in Sheffield.

The eldest son, Frank aged 15,  is recorded as being a “Mechanical Engineer’s Apprentice”.  The  second son Stanley just turned 13 (he was born in March 1888) has no occupation. 52 and a half years later, to the day, he received a Rolex watch inscribed:-

“Presented to Mr Stanley Appleyard by  his friends and colleagues at the Sheffield and Scunthorpe works  and at the London and Regional offices of Firth-Brown Ltd on his retirement after 52 1/2 years service with the  John Brown Group as a mark of esteem and regard September 30th 1953”

One can surmise that Stanley started work on the 1st April 1901 one day after the 1901 census.

A 1902 directory does not show any occupant at 16 Manvers Road.

A 1906 directory records Mary Ellen Appleyard living at 27 Berkley Road

Arthur died on 6th July 1907. Probate shows his address was still 16 Manvers Road at the time.  However there are two other addresses for his widow Mary Ellen.

A 1910 directory records two entries for  Mary Ellen Appleyard: both  27 Berkley Road and 54 Vainor Road

The 1911 census confirms the family, the widow Mary Ellen, Frank (aged 25), Margaret (21) and “Marina” (19), were now living at 54 Vainor Road in Sheffield.  All 3 children are still single. Interestingly Stanley appears (as Sturley) but the entry is crossed out. Stanley was at the  time a lodger in London. Clearly though he was still living at Vainor Road some of the time.

A few of the Stanley Appleyard Sheffield connection Images follow…


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